Puppacino: Petiquette at the Dog Friendly Café
Dawg: (to camera) My peeps LOVE a tasty beverage as they hang out and literally socialise. (to them) Take me with you - I will increase your social credit. I have my own Insta, after all!
(to itself) We must dress for the occasion. We’ll strut with pride in our WAGD collar and signature lead to set the tone. We’ll be top dog from the start!
(to them) Find us a cosy corner away from the main traffic area. Yes, no-one “puts baby in the corner” but we want to a) avoid being stepped on or hassled by the pupparazzi, yet b) remain visible to the talent scouts who’ve noticed our bling.
Lay out our ermine cafe blanket and place a chew or loaded licky mat down so we can get comfy and stay occupied, pretending not to notice the open adoration from the growing crowd. We will remain on view but aloof and unattainable.
Keep your eyes on me so I can tell you with my body whether this crowd is hip and happening, or a bit of a wash out. We must check the social temperature - we don’t want our rep tarnished by a less-than-stellar and uninvited interaction from the peasants.
We will arise slowly and deliberately, toss our hair/ears and ease out with cool sophistication. We always want to leave them wanting more. After we tip the staff, of course – we are not heathens… *shrug* Now watch my Insta explode!!
One way we can incorporate our dogs into our everyday lives is to include them in our café visits. With a bit of thoughtful planning, we can make pup’s experience comfortable and positive.
Go for a WAGD collar and long lead – if pup curls up under your table you’ll be able to accommodate that easily. Hopefully we can reach that level of relaxation.
Grab a table out of the main action. That will mean it’s only the wait staff that may have to manoeuvre around pup and helps you manage any interaction with strangers. Politely fend off unwanted attention – advocate for your dog by saying they are in training and unavailable for pats.
Take a comfy familiar blanket or bed for pup to feel safe in. After all, this is a new and strange place so it may be unsettling to pup. Set them up for success with a slow chew or a licky mat to give them something to do while adding positive associations to this place.
Know the body language signs of fear and anxiety and be ready to abort the trip with a takeaway or relocate to a quieter table. If pup is settled, celebrate that and know that you can stay a little longer on each visit, if that remains a positive thing for pup.
Look at you, winning at puppacino time!
Credit: Georgia Clark.
Website: The Whole Dog Tasmania